Semester System and It’s Impact on Students in Undergraduate Classes


Students are generally assessed either through annual system or semester system of examination. Now a days, annual system becomes a traditional system of exam. It is the semester system that draws the worldwide attention at present. Government of India decided to embrace semester system in the year of 2009 while its counterpart Assam familiarised in 2011-12 in the field of higher education. Experiment of any new thing is very essential as to know its impact. Present study is an attempt and was conducted in some selected colleges to know the response of the students on the ongoing semester system.

From the time series data of pre and post semester system, it is seen that performance of the students in terms of passing percentage was better in the semester system compared to old aged conventional system of exam. The average passing percentage was about 84.62 per cent, 69.62 per cent, 92 per cent and 74.37 per cent in F. A. Ahmed College, Chhaygaon College, Chhamaria College and Sontali College during pre-semester period against about 87.5 per cent, 79.5 per cent, 97 per cent and 76 per cent during semester system respectively.

About 71% of the sample students prefer semester system according to whom it is easy (67%). convenient (85%), a need based (80%) and a system of better learning (77%). Contrary to it, majority (90%) of the students considers this system as expensive. Semester system of exam overburdens the students in the sense of too much exam including sessional as well as final exam in a year. Also the students feel less security in the job market. According to them, semester system of exam fails to prepare them in getting placement.

More than half per cent of the students accord satisfaction on the grading system. So, from the above analysis, it can be remarked that semester system has both positive as well negative impact on the students. Yet finally, it can be earmarked that semester system should be properly implemented in order to walk with the global educational scenario. We should by no means be lagging behind international to standard



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