Life is Amazing, A to Z Stories that Stir


Life is amazing! A book with an essence of the A – Z of ethics in life! Real-life experiences narrated from the author’s life, and his encounters with well-known personalities, depicted in 26 engrossing stories. The chapters, named after the 26 Roman alphabets, end with beautiful and deeply meaningful messages, narrated through the wise eyes of someone who has a penchant for life! Life is never uniform, perfect, or ideal. Life is also never a smooth-sailing affair. It has obstacles, ups and downs, and difficult periods; as much as it has happy, joyous, and beautiful moments. Each of us can learn a lot from the experiences encountered in their day to day life. Learning from the experiences and words of wisdom from others ‘ lives certainly gives us more opportunities to make our life amazing. Each alphabet right from A – for Attitude to Z – for Zoo has been effectively carved out to give moral & ethical messages which will make a difference. It is a humble feeling and hope by the author that if it makes a small difference in the attitudes and beliefs of people about life, then the book has served its purpose.



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