Journey of Government and Private Teachers from Stress to Burnout
Education is the backbone of the nation and the optimum development of the country in contingent upon equal opportunities for education, which can be important. If teachers dedicate themselves to their profession, they must be socially, emotionally, physically, and mentally healthy, if they are satisfied in all respects, then they can play their role honestly, enthusiastically, and also with interest and motivation but nowadays things have totally changed.
Dr josan –
I real observation of teacher stress and burnout either private or government sector . Thank you to the writer who think and write in this area. Highly recommended
Pragati Verma –
शिक्षकों की समस्याओं से अवगत करने वाली यह पुस्तक भावी शिक्षकों के लिए अत्यंत उपयोगी है।