How Divinely Blessed is My Soul


This book, namely, “How Divinely Blessed Is My Soul?”, is written as a mark of special incidents and events that occurred in the life of the author full of lessons that raised him to a sufficient degree of spiritual height and took him far closer to Allah Subhan-O-Tala, amidst various trials and tribulations followed by His blessings dawned upon him. All those incidents and events inspired the author to establish an unfettered faith in Allah and Rasul Karim (SWS) and lost not trust in Allah’s mercy at any time. The contents of the book are not wishful events and those are all real and practically occurred in the life of the author. The author is well-convinced that in spite of all the adversaries suffered by him in life, Allah has not abandoned him lawaris, and He has all along kept a constant vigil and watch on him and helped him to stay in the straight path, and never made him to go astray at all. The author is extremely grateful to Allah Pak that He showered His immense love upon the author all through his life despite the tragic dispersal of his family members for a time, and his faith in Allah and Rasul Karim (SWS) has never come to be shaken ever during more than 60+ years of his life. The author admits that he knows not how sin-free he is, but says that he has consistently noticed in his life that Allah has always placed a stumbling block on his path the moment signs of his dwindling from the straight path came to be noticed by Allah, and thus saved him from going astray


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